Stop endlessly taking so-so photos of your toddler & instead get the photo & put your phone down so you can be present for those core memories.


Being the family’s defacto photographer is no problem, especially because my toddler’s just so easy to take pictures of...

…said no one ever.

We know logically that

our phones take incredible photos.

But dig around on any toddler parent's phone camera roll and you'll see that 90% of the photos are kinda junk.

“She moves a mile a minute.”

“We call him the tasmanian devil.”

“She grabs at my phone and stops making the cute face as soon as I point it at her to take a photo.”

“Once I’m holding the phone up to take a photo, some notification pops up and distracts me so I’m not really present anymore.”

“I feel a lot of pressure to take photos of everything monumental because I can.”

“My phone’s storage is almost completely full and he’s only 14 months old.”

“It stresses me out because I feel like I should be able to get better photos.”

Don’t feel bad. Seriously. It’s normal.

And at the risk of sounding horribly cliché, the problem you're having is super common.

All your stress about the photos you're taking of your toddler

stem from two things: Beliefs & Expectations.

Offensive unpopular opinion incoming…

Many of these beliefs and expectations are completely bananas, unrealistic,

wrong, and made up in fantasyland.

What if we could change our expectations and beliefs about how many photos we need to take and how we use our phones when we’re around our children? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Knowledge, skill, and determination.

That leads to a simplified relationship with your phone, your photos, and your child.

Over the last 20 years as a baby and family photographer, I’ve taken more than 600,000 photos and I’ve built a whole system that can help you simplify this process so you get the photo you want and spend the rest of the day making memories with your child.


The benefits of this idea are far reaching for parents.

  • Less overwhelm when you think about what’s in your camera roll

  • More sense of control over what moments you NEED to capture

  • Easy tricks and tips to get those photos, and do it well

  • This incredible feeling of freedom when you’re playing with your child and doing something fun and you don’t feel like you need to grab for your phone

Since 2003, I’ve been an award-winning baby and family photographer with my company, Boston Baby Photos, and I know that every parent of a toddler could benefit from hearing directly from me about my Iconic Set by Boston Baby Photos framework, explaining what photo parents should take at each stage of their toddler’s development... Problem is… I’m only one person, and I couldn’t figure out how to deliver this customized information easily, directly to parents.

That’s when I had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where I’d drop customized, bite-size, easy to digest nuggets of information and instruction… and help you turn all that negative foggy feeling about documenting your toddler into knowledge you can put to work.

So I did.

And now I'm SO flippin’ excited to bring you...

Iconic Photo Monthly

The DIY Toddler Photo Subscription That Identifies The One Iconic Photo To Take Of Your One or Two Year Old Toddler Each Month And Sends You Tips On How To Do it


  • 1 Absurdly Useful PDF Showing Examples Of The One Photo You Need To Take Each Month Of The Year, Specific To The Age Of Your Child

  • Texts Throughout The Month, With Tips And Tricks On How To Get The Photo

  • 1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Is The Photo For This Particular Age & Season Of The Year

Nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of BEING with your child.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit: As a member, you can submit your photo in my Iconic Photo of The Month Contest. Every month, the winner of my Iconic Photo Of The Month Contest gets my Iconic Photo Frame mailed directly to their home, with their photo in it.

Types Of Problems This Subscription Will Solve:

How to cut back on the number of times you reach for your phone to take a photo of your child

How to think strategically  about the way you use your phone to photograph your toddler

The plan, so you’ll know exactly what photo you’ll want to frame of your child at this age and stage - there are SO many options, and I can help you with my 10,000 foot view

Reminders to prep for the photo as the month goes on (gotta place the order the halloween costume in early October… you’ll get a text, don’t worry)

Tips to help you slow that million-mile-an-hour child down, to  set you up for success as you get your one perfect, frame-worthy photo this month

Lighting is rough! I’ll give you tips to work with the light in and around your space so your  photo really pops

The big problem we’re solving is how often you feel that you need to have your phone in your hand taking that photo of your toddler - because we all know what happens when our phones are in our hands. We’re gonna plan for the photo, we’re gonna get the photo, and then we’re gonna put the phone down and play.

Iconic Photo Monthly is perfect for anyone who:

  • Loves taking photos of their one or two year old with their phone and wants to get better at it

  • Wishes they could take better photos and wants to document their toddler’s childhood

  • Either takes a ZILLION photos of their toddler every day, or takes nowhere near enough photos of their toddler

  • Either has only one child, or has loads of kids but worries about documenting this one the way they documented the ones that came before

  • Loves to know there’s a structure around the photos they’re taking all year round

  • Wants to frame a handful of perfect photos that they take of their toddler, but wants each of the photos to be different and special

Pay Month to Month


1 Absurdly Useful PDF Showing Examples Of The One Photo You Need To Take Each Month Of The Year, Specific To Your Child's Age That Month

Texts Throughout The Month, With Tips And Tricks Setting You Up For Success

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Is The Photo For This Particular Age & Season Of The Year

Delivered to you!

Save BIG When You Pay For The Year


1 Absurdly Useful PDF Showing Examples Of The One Photo You Need To Take Each Month Of The Year, Specific To Your Child's Age That Month

Texts Throughout The Month Each Month, With Tips And Tricks Setting You Up For Success

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Is The Photo For This Particular Age & Season Of The Year

Delivered to you!

About Your Photography Wizard: Jess


For more than twenty years, Jess has been an award-winning baby and family photographer specializing in lifestyle, in-home photography of babies and toddlers from birth to age three. Leading her company, Boston Baby Photos, all this time has meant visiting the homes of hundreds of babies and toddlers every year for the last two decades…  and even conservative estimates bring her north of 600,000 photos taken on location with families over the years. And she’s ready to fill you in on what she’s learned.

My Subscription Guarantee

  • You’ll start each month with an understanding of the photo - the PDF I send you to start the month will show examples of the exact photo we’ll be working on this month

  • As the month goes on, you’ll get gentle reminder texts, but they won’t be annoying. They’lll give you real world tips and tricks on how to get that one iconic photo

  • The information you receive will be customized to the age of your child that month, because a baby who just turned one is very different from a baby who’s about to turn three… those 24 months of life span SO many moments of growth and change

  • Your subscription will automatically sunset on your child’s third birthday, no need to cancel when your child ages out… even though I know it’s going to make you really sad when they age out and you’re going to ask me to extend my program for older kids!

And if you decide it isn’t for you, you can cancel the subscription anytime, no hassle, no problem – my  [email protected] is maybe the nicest, most helpful customer support team on the Internet Marketing planet.


Still Not Sure? Peek At One Month's Offering For Free... On Me!

Try before you buy. Normally the photos-to-take that are part of the subscription are customized to your child's specific age each month, but there's one kind of photo that works for every age, so I figured I’d make that one free for everyone to check out.

It's the messy photo! I’m gifting you the PDF showing you the sample ICONIC messy photo that you absolutely must take of your 1 or 2 year old, and I included additional pages on the PDF showing you the kind of texts I'd send if this had been one of the months of your subscription… This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

Frequently Asked Questions.

When and how do I get the info about the photo delivered to me?

The PDF drops into your email on the first day of the month, so you know what photo we’re working toward for your child this month. On the first Friday of the month you’ll get your first text that helps you plan for your photo, and for the following two Fridays get texts with quick, actionable tips that remind you and help you take that photo. Over the fourth week of the month I’ll be in touch with reminders about choosing, editing and printing your Iconic Monthly Photo. 

What if my child’s not on track with the standard milestones?

We can totally make it work, I’m not worried. My age parameters for the Iconic Photo Monthly are 12-18 months, 18-24 months or 2 years old. So as your child moves through those ages, they’ll start receiving the photos that are tailored for the next age group. If you notice, for example, that the photo I’m asking you to take when your child is chronologically 19 months old feels it’s targeting a skill they haven’t mastered, all you need to do is email [email protected] and we’ll manually adjust your child’s “birthdate” in the system, so they can do a few more months with the 12-18 month set of photos. It’s an easy tweak, and it’s super common, don’t worry. 

I’m a professional photographer… is this worth it for me, for my own toddler?

Absolutely, yes. It’s all about the 10,000 foot view here. You’ve already got the skills to take the photo, but what do they say about cobblers’ children? That they don’t necessarily always have shoes? Signing up for this subscription will help you laser focus on one thing each month, one story to tell - that one Iconic Monthly Photo that perfectly captures your toddler at this age and stage. Because even we pro photographers need to put our phones down and not feel that pressure to perfectly document every single moment. We need to get the one photo, and know it’s done and feel great about it… so then you can just laugh, and play and BE with your child.

You could keep just taking all the photos, hoping one will be magic and worthy of a frame this month…

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of knowing what photo to take, and being clear on exactly how to do it this month. 

I can’t wait to help!

xx Jess

Pay Month to Month


1 Absurdly Useful PDF Showing Examples Of The One Photo You Need To Take Each Month Of The Year, Specific To Your Child's Age That Month

Texts Throughout The Month, With Tips And Tricks Setting You Up For Success

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Is The Photo For This Particular Age & Season Of The Year

Delivered to you!

Save BIG When You Pay For The Year


1 Absurdly Useful PDF Showing Examples Of The One Photo You Need To Take Each Month Of The Year, Specific To Your Child's Age That Month

Texts Throughout The Month Each Month, With Tips And Tricks Setting You Up For Success

1 Email That Gives You The Exact Reason WHY This Is The Photo For This Particular Age & Season Of The Year

Delivered to you!

“Jess has been taking photos for us for 11 years - since our first child was born - and we adore her! She just understands kids and what photos are most important for us to have when."

- Lisa Green Case